
Showing posts with the label #6

Tiptoe or Scream?

Oliver had just finished transitioning to a Man and changed his name from Olivia to the male version of the name which is Oliver. He had finished the last of his testosterone and already got both his top and bottom surgery. The therapy to replace the feramones with testosterone coupled with the puberty blockers which he had also finished taking the last of helped with the transition process. His puberty resumed the next Day and he was hungry. So Oliver had called to check with his doctor on a video call. The doctor said," Okay Oliver, how are you doing today? I assume that puberty has resumed this morning? How do you feel?" Oliver replied," I'm feeling really hungry. A little competitive. Yeah I feel like a young man thank you Doctor. I feel like I'm more of my authentic self I'm really happy." Dr. Clive responded," Okay young man I think that you are perfectly fine and ready to enter the world in your new identity. So if you don't need anything...